Finishing tasks
There are soooo many mini projects I start and never finish. At this moment in time I’m going around each room redecorating. I started with the lounge and 2 years later I’m yet to finish my wall pictures with half the lovely frames I brought shoved in a cupboard with pictures on the top. I went onto the hallway and never finished updating the frames I had in there either, leaving empty nails on the wall. Went onto the bathroom and the paint bled onto the floor. Have I sorted it out? Neh, burnt out didn’t I! My in-laws came over to help me with the wallpaper in there also. They left a bit at the bottom for me to just finish off because it’s hard for them to get to. Have I done it? Course I haven’t!!
Working Harder to Achieve
Aside from having to work much harder than is normal to understand new instructions for tasks (thank god for YouTube), there have been two very prominent examples of this in my life so far.
The first one was my Theory test for my driving license. I studied that book inside and out. I wrote the entire thing out and then took the mock test at the back. Marked down the answers I had
failed on and rewrote those sections. Took the test again and marked down the answers I failed on.. Rewrote those sections again.. Took the mock test again.. rewrote them again.. round and round
and over and over until eventually I got all the answers right!
I knew I had to learn the whole book because if I didn't, there was no doubting that I would fail.. Yet again. I'd never succeeded or passed any test or anything for that matter, and I knew how
difficult it would be if I was hesitant and my focus wandered, so I studied the whatsits out of it!! And FML did it pay off! I passed with flying colours!!! I was elated!!!!!!! My Mom will tell
you this: I came running, leaping and bounding out of the test centre, spinning and shouting "I'VE DONE IT MOM YESSSSS I'VE ACTUALLY DONE IT" The feeling I had inside me was incredible.
Out of this world incredible.
The second time was when I took the leap to becoming a "Colleague Representative" with my work last year. Anyone who knows me, knows my confidence and self-esteem is in the gutter most of the
time. I just really wanted to do something to improve this. I'm so fed up of being pessimistic about my abilities because of my constant struggles so I just went for it. I know it was
probably an impulsion but I was also terrified. I couldn't believe people actually voted for me!!! It was quite heart-warming to think that people actually thought highly enough of me to believe
that I could do this! Also that they trusted me with it as well; The building was closing, and there were so many staff members who had been with the business for many many
years. Some were those with families to look after who were being made redundant, putting them in an awful situation in the current COVID19 world. It was a heavy weight to burden to be mediator
between the business and colleagues but I understood the importance of it and I wanted, not only to do this for my own personal development, but to help those that needed it by giving them the
best advice that I could.
Deciding to take up this role was not a light one. I found myself absolutely burned at both ends. We'd have a meeting on the Friday which I recorded on my voice memo's whilst trying to take in as
much as my ADHD brain would allow.
The following 24 hours would see me supervising playback on my phone whilst Microsoft Word dictation picked up each word in writing on a document. The 24 hours after that saw me dissecting that
monologue, sectioning it, moving things around to make it more structured, deleting the gibberish and ramblings out and going through spelling and grammar mistakes whilst making it "my own". The
last evening through to the Monday morning was spent creating a PowerPoint Slideshow which would allow me to coherently present my dialogue to all these people later that afternoon.
There were hardly any breaks for family time all week for about 5 weeks. I worked myself till gone 12am.. Sometimes 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning.
The one thing I couldn't understand is how I was 1 of a group of about 15 Reps who all had about 15 colleagues to manage. But they were definitely not doing any of this stuff! I couldn't fathom
why it was just me making this effort and everyone else was just winging it! How were they able to take hours of information in and then relay the same information to those colleagues? How
were they so relaxed? They seemed to almost not care. Like it was too easy. So why did I have to endure all that work in order to actually properly ensure those people had the information they
Obviously, I got zero recognition from the company for the work I'd put in. Likely because A - I was the only one who did, and B - The company was probably clueless as to how much of me it took
to see it through. I wasn't doing it for any recognition gains, but a thank you would have been really, really nice... There's no price on a thank you.
Story Telling
This picture says it all really haha! I am very well known for this in my family. They always laugh at me for it! Gotta love your own quirks! Hehe!
For example, when I’m concentrating on something I’m watching on TV (that’s right! The rarity that I manage to watch the box in the corner of the room without picking my phone up to google some random-unrelated-to-anything-shit that pops into my head every 5 seconds) I’ll shred my nails, pinch my skin, touch my face, fiddle with the blanket and I even bite my knuckles sometimes until they’re red raw!
Then when I’m excited I tap a lot. My feet and hands. Normally tapping my nails with impatience for the thing I’m excited about. Obviously I move a lot more in general when I’m excited. I feel like a jumpy little sparrow!
And stressed it mostly fiddling with objects around me. I think I mentioned this before sonewhere but like in meetings at work before we were all WFH, it have to move all my belongings off and away from me because I’d be driving myself up the wall with it! Flicking my fob card up and down, clicking my pen twisting the lanyard around my hand. Stuff like that.
Then just a couple of weeks ago, my hubby and I were out shopping and he found this amazing thing in a bargain shop in town. It was a little cube with all sorts on each side. Like one side it’s like a switch, another side a metal ball, another has those cog-like wheels like on a briefcase. There’s also a flat wheel and some buttons like the top of a pen but they’ve all got different kinds of clicks! Anyway, it’s brilliant, it really helps to stop me going at my skin and nails while I watch the TV and I actually keep it hidden in my pocket when I’m out in the shops as it helps make queuing easier. I’m also finding my new earbuds help with being out and about. Music just chills me a bit.