
Hi all.


This is a blog about my ADHD. Because sometimes it's hard for someone with ADHD to think off the bat when we're speaking out loud about all the different things that make us the way that we are!! I personally find it easier to get things out on paper than to explain stuff.. All the things that I want to say are still flying round my crazy brain like a bunch of bats but I figure if I wing it (excuse the pun - ha!).........................................................................................................................
[insert ADHD brianfart moment here]................................................................
If I wing it......................
ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm................................ . . . . . ... ... ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. (making pretty patterns with the dots is fun lol)
If I wing it then... Yes! - then I figure it'll all come out in it's own way. Or find it's own way to come out... Or one of those... You know what I mean. 



To start with, I want to say, I've always known there was something. I just wasn't sure what. A barrier? A mental block? An understanding that "normal" people had, but I just didn't. I've been searching most of my life for the answers to the questions I didn't even know how to ask. I certainly didn't know that my quirks were a by-product of anything other than just daft old me!!! But then just yesterday, after all these years, I finally found my answer. 

It has been a roller-coaster of emotions (as you could probably imagine!) I've been all over the place. 
I had a final assessment by my lovely consultant who diagnosed me as someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. She advised me of the medications that were on offer (Not that I was able to focus on any of that by that point through the tears of final relief rolling down my cheeks) and advised me of the next steps. It's going to be trial and error on the meds but lets hope the first ones are perfect for my needs! 

And here we are now! I'm going to TRY and update this as much as possible (I am hyper-focused on it at the moment so hopefully this should happen at least for a week or two until I burn out) - I'll explain more on these terms in other posts!!