

Happy Saturdaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!


I hope everyone reading this is well and happy despite being stuck in 2021's first lockdown!! 

The very first thing I want to start on is that I posted my Blog on my Instagram feed with my announcement yesterday in the early hours (Of course lol)
I'd done 6 posts by this point and I thought that was enough to start with. I cannot believe the amazing and kind responses I've had so far. I was absolutely bricking it and I feel really overwhelmed by the feedback I've had. So thank you to all of my first readers. I'm insanely grateful for your wonderful words of encouragement and kindness.
So much love and huge virtual cuddles to you all!!! xxxx



Well, so far it's been a pretty productive day - I've been dusting and hoovering upstairs and cleaning my desk area. My hubby has already informed me that my car keys were left in the car all night. Again.


I have also updated my Journal from neglecting it yesterday and the day before. I'm having a hard time keeping up with my life since the diagnosis earlier this week. Things have been slipping and because I've been very aware with this all being at the forefront - My inner voice is telling me to get it together haha. 

So!.. I have decided to write down all the unfinished shitty little bits and bobs around my house which I know would have otherwise NEVER have been looked at again. I'm going to make a list and then each weekend I'm going to do 1 of those things. 
I'll let you know how long it lasts for! This weekend I'm going to sort out that paint on the floor of the downstairs WC.

I also am fully aware that I have not touched CAD for a week. I have 14 days left to finish my design. You heard me - I'm finishing it if it kills me. If I don't then I'm not only going to have wasted WEEKS of work on this project, but I am going to lose out on thousands of pounds because I will need an Architect to do it all for me when my CAD trial runs out. No pressure..


I have also been writing a "Line a day" diary for 5 years!!! Well... I'm on my 5th year now, but the point is, I've actually managed to do Every. Single. Day. so far. So I just CAN'T lose the momentum now. It has slipped back to weekly updates though. I don't think about it daily any more as it's just a chore now haha but I have to see it through. I've come too far to ruin it now. So I still have days in January to try to recall info on. I think I've missed about 4 or 5 days. I'm sure I can pull it back though. 

Some other things flying round my head at the moment include the decorating in the spare room (Where I work). I have the wallpaper for it, so once I get some adhesive, I can pretty much do it any time. It keeps being side-lined though with my Hyperfocus in force here. So that needs doing too. I'm going to Journal that so that I actually make a start on it next weekend. 

I've decided one thing I cannot do is paint the skirting boards. I just can't bring myself to do it again but it needs doing before we get new carpets. Oh shit that's another thing I need to do as soon as the lockdown is lifted! Sort the carpets!! Okay. That needs to go on the list of things to book once the lockdown lifts. So far on that list I need to book my brows in, my nails in, my lips in and my hair in. (Not much) haha. Female maintenance is a bloody bitch and an expensive one at that!

I also need to get my phone sold. That is the worst thing to be side-lined this week as I will literally be debited £310 from Apple for the deposit for my new phone which I don't yet have because I haven't yet sold the old one!!! Eep! Anyone who needs to buy a 2nd hand iPhone please hit me up! 

The other thing I need to do is schedule out some exercise. I've brought a new bike and I am FULLY kitted out to go out on it now. I should really start next week in the mornings. I just hope I don't drop it like I do most things. It is likely but I'll give it a shot. One thing that I actually stuck to for AGES before COVID was Vibe Cycle. It's this kind-of spin class but you cycle to really loud music and sort-of dance on the bike at the same time. I think the dancing and loud music part was really good for my ADHD because I could really get into it (Even though I struggle to remember the moves sometimes and get too into one movement that I forget to change to the next one lol) But its really energetic and fun and I loved it. I know Cycling wont be exactly the same but it's the closest I can get to Vibe so... Will see how I get on! Not going to lie - I'm a bit nervous to be on the roads without a big tin can around me but I'm sure it'll be fine once I get into it. 

On a completely different note, I had my follow up appointment through with Dr Cress yesterday. It's booked for 3rd March! Seems ages away right?! There's nothing any sooner. They need to take my blood pressure so I have to go and have that done first which will be next Friday.. Or is it now this Friday.. Lemme check.. I think it's still next Friday because I'm sure she said the 19th, not the 12th. Or did she.. Oh wait! She was GOING to book it for the 12th but I was like nooo I'm working! So then she booked it for the next one because I was off! Omg I remember how confused I was after that call so I had to write it in the calendar straight away lol. 

Anyways.. What was I talking about?! 

Oh yeah.. So basically my Follow up appointment on the 3rd March will be to discuss what I've decided on the Meds front. 
I've been going through them all and whittling it down. It's super hard because there are SO many...
Slow release, fast release, some make you vom, some make you angry, others can cause insomnia (No thank youuu - didn't get to sleep until like 3am last niiight) 
It's an absolute minefield. 

Anyways I did actually get it down to 2 yesterday with the hubs. I'm gonna speak to her about the sleep issue though because I cant go on something that is going to make it worse - I couldn't handle that at all. It would be next level shitty. How would I even function?! 

On that note - I'm really excited to try something that will make me better at functioning and remembering stuff.. Like not leaving my keys in the car overnight o.O and to be able to write words without merging two together and missing spaces and adding letters and duplicate words all the while. Also looking forward to being able to put all the thoughts and "To-do's" pinging around in my brain in some kind of order, and being able to carry out simple tasks without losing focus as well. It took me hours to write a tiny email this morning and I cant even remember what it was that kept distracting me. I'm looking forward to remembering my life instead of it all just flying past me and having to write '1 Line A Day' diaries to ensure I don't forget that I lived on every one of those days. 

I'm going to make sure I document the process. Hopefully it'll be an interesting read at the very least!! ^_^

Take care all x