As you can probably imagine, I’m writing this at 12:20am. I can’t sleep. I think it’s a catch 22 when you have ADHD because you either can’t sleep because your brain is wired with ideas, or you
can’t sleep because your brain has exercised the ideas it had and is now looking frantically for new ideas.
Alongside all that, I’ve been really unwell this weekend which has sort of dimmed the idea paths slightly.. and also caused me to sleep worse than ever. I broke a long standing personal record
last night of 3.5 hours! -_-
I mean, I don’t think it helps that our mattress is in poor health either so I’ve got the new one on order thankfully.
I know I mentioned in my last blog that I had put the kitchen on the back burner for now whilst we wait, but also proceeded to finally change up the bedroom... Well the mattress has been the
first thing (obviously). I have to research the crap out of EVERYTHING before I buy because I can’t stand the idea of something being not right when it comes through, or finding out I could’ve
had something much much better at a much cheaper cost. It’s draining but I can’t just be impulsive with that kind of stuff. It HAS to be absolutely 100% perfectly right and completely and
utterly informed before I fork out.
Anywhos, hyperfocus has hit the roof with this one now. I know my paint colour, my curtain type, bed, bedding colours, accessories, type of light, everything!
I’m really looking forward to it all coming through bit by bit, but mostly looking forward to the paint coming through! Roll on payday!!
On a completely other note (switching thought process like the wind as normal) I’m really sad that my bike hasn’t been used yet. Think I might have tried it out sooner had it not been for my
Alienism. But in all fairness, the weather hasn’t been helping recently, and I most definitely will not be out on it when I feel this rough!! Hopefully soon though!
Oh and not that anyone really cares but I’ve not got an appointment booked for the dreaded tooth yet. May have to call them again tomorrow!
Anyways I’m off to sleep! I’m really sorry this has been a rubbish post tonight! I’ll make it up in the next one!!!
Buonanotte mi Amichi! x