I'm going to try and keep this update short and sweet because
A. I've really not got that much to say,
B. It's already 11:30 as I start this, and
C. I've already edited and published one post, written out another huge one and I still have my meds one to start yet which is actually the main one I wanted to post about having logging the
first day today in my notebook ready. But I won't say any more on that in order to save it for that one!
I mainly wanted to check in to update you on general life really and to touch on some bits from the last diary blog.
So firstly, the Bike has seen more action falling over in the high winds so far this year than it has done on the road. When I say 'more' I mean I've not even been out on it yet. I knowww, I need
to but I've literally been so sick. I actually caught the Rona. I got tested not long after my last post, started isolating, then my hubby was tested and he had it, so we had to isolate for
longer. So it's been an absolute nightmare and to cut a long story short...
(haha the chance of that with ADHD would be a fine thing!)
...I couldn't leave the house to get on it. GREAT news though: We're finally free this week. I mean.. As free as you can be during a lockdown. But at least hopefully I'll have the chance to get
out and it kind of gives me more will to actually go for it because I've literally been unable to do it for so long. Like a reverse-psychology type thing where you want what you cant
So yeah. Watch this space. I mean I still have an awful cough but I'll take it easy at first anyways.
The tooth topic is still a sore one. I have my appointment booked for 16th March so we're talking 9 DAYS PEOPLE. 9 DAYS. Jokes ha it's only the consultation at the private clinic and another
X-Ray for now. Then the big appointment will be booked for sometime afterwards. If anyone out there can somehow crop a piece of my life out of my life, this would definitely be the time for
On a happier note, I actually didn't wait until payday to get the paint in the end haha. I was impatient and impulsive.. I knew 100% which paint I wanted by that point so i just thought sod it
and brought it and did it last weekend!!! It actually is such a lush colour. I'm soooo happy with it.
It does remain unfinished at the moment but I do actually need more funds at this stage in order to continue. I just hope that it doesn't end up being one of the many unfinished things around the
house. I really son't want it to make the list. I actually started chipping away at that list by the way!! I know I did touch on it in one of my first posts. How I lose interest quickly when the
challenge of a project begins to fade. I must admit that I have stopped though, what with the new bedroom project taking up my brain-space.
The new mattress and pillows are a dream by the way!
On more current matters, I think I overdid my jobs list today. It was so long and there's a strong possibility that the length of it had a negative impact on my motivation to get stuff done.
This really effected my mood this evening.
I feel guilty for not being able to start stuff sometimes. Like I'm failing or something. I know that sounds a bit extreme but I just can't help it. I put so much pressure on myself all the time.
I try so hard to keep our house as nice as I can but sometimes I just feel like I need to climb Everest to actually get anywhere which is actually a huge Alienism!
(Btw - totally unrelated - we watched a movie called Everest not too long ago and it was really good! - Just wanna put that out there!!)
Anywhooos.. It's midnight and I'm still sat on the sofa with my laptop so I'll wrap this one up here! Thanks for stopping by as per. Love to all x